B-Max Gutter Systems

B-Max Gutter Systems comes fully equipped with everything your gutter system needs to deal with Mother Nature’s tempestuous ways. From Heavy snow to torrential downpours to heavy leaf falling, our comprehensive system will keep you off the roof.

B&B Sheet Metal’s B-Max Gutters are seamless gutters available in up to 26ft in length. We can custom fabricate gutters to your exact specifications. A seamless gutter creates less chance for breakage, less joints to solder or caulk and makes it easier to line up joints. This results in quicker and neater installation.

gutter style

Available in: 5in × 10ft, 5in × 20ft, 5in × 26ft, 6in × 10ft, 6in × 20ft, 6in × 26ft

B-Max hangers

Available in 5in, 6in (installed every 2ft)

Terminate and cap the gutter system.
Available in: 5in, 6in
Please note: Left or right end caps are all subject to change according to style chosen

Prevents animals from entering the gutter system.
Available in: 5in, 6in
Please note: Left or right miter end caps are all subject to change according to style chosen

Beveled at 45 degree angles to collectively form a 90 degree angled corner of perfection.
Available in: 5in, 6in
Please note: Inside or outside miter are all subject to change according to style chosen



  • 16oz and 20oz Copper
  • 16oz and 20oz Lead Coated Copper
  • .032, .040, .050 and .063 Kynar Aluminum
  • 22ga and 24ga Galvanized Steel
  • .032 Baked Enamel Bronze/White/Gloss White